Our Secret (A Poem)

March 30th, 2023

It is in rest
That I feel it most.
What can I call the sensation?
An internal pulse. A churning. A surge.
A knock on the door of my rib cage.
I witness the rise and fall of my flesh
Stretched thin across my belly
And smile.
You’re awake.

I place my husband’s hand upon the spot.
“Look,” I tell my mom.
Are you shy?
Or perhaps you want to keep our secret
Our secret.

Like an inside joke,
An imaginary friend,
Or a good deed seen by God alone;
We share this something—
This tender, vulnerable intimacy
That no one
But you and I know.
How could they?

As I drive alone in the car
You accompany me
To the ends of my solitude.
I’m sorry
For what I said aloud
Before I remembered
You are here.
You can hear me…
Do you like this song?
I pat back at you to the beat of the drum
And I know
You feel me.

You feel the heave of my chest
When I cry
Tears I hide from the world
But not from you.
You know I am not the perfect mother
I aspire to be.
You are inside me—
The real me,
The whole me,
Exposed to your absorbent mind.

But perhaps
That’s okay.
Perhaps that’s all you need me to be:
As you are mine.
My body, your vessel;
My breath, your oxygen;
My food, your nourishment
And my heart,
Irrevocably captured
By your perfect, tiny fingertips
Until and even after
Birth do us part.

Rebecca Loomis

Rebecca Loomis is a graphic designer, artist, photographer, and author of the dystopian fiction series A Whitewashed Tomb. Rebecca founded her design company, Fabelle Creative, to make it easy for small businesses to get the design solutions they need to tell their story. In her free time, Rebecca enjoys traveling, social dancing, and acroyoga.


A Stormy Night Upon The Porch


Swaddled in Color: A Walk Through the Rainforest Pyramid at Moody Gardens